Volume: 106 , Issue: 1 , August Published Date: 11 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 685 , Download: 849 , Pages: 339 - 362
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223751
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 685 , Download: 849 , Pages: 339 - 362
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223751
# | Author Name |
The study aimed to determine the level of perception of learners on the Teacher-Made Video Lesson in terms of its characteristics, level of math performance of learners with and without the use of the material, effectiveness of the Teacher-Made Video Lesson through their math performance and relationship of learner?s perception on the material and math performance upon using the teacher-made video lesson of selected Grade 8 Students from the selected three schools in Cluster 3 of the Division of Laguna for School Year 2021-2022. Descriptive and experimental methods of research was employed to this study to define the characteristics of the variable under research and answers the questions related to it and to test hypothesis using experimental groups and control variables, respectively. The learner?s perception on the Teacher-Made Video Lesson material was given a remark of very high in all of its characteristics. It was also followed that the controlled group showed approaching proficient level in their math performance without the use of teacher-made video lesson while the experimental group showed advanced level in their math performance as shown by the computed mean. Furthermore, the result of the mathematics performance of learners with and without the use of teacher-made video was significant since the computed t-value was higher than the critical value. Lastly, the relationship of the learner?s perception on the teacher-made video lesson and their mathematics performance upon using the material was not significant since the p-value is higher than the significance alpha. The null hypothesis HO1 was rejected. This showed that the teacher-made video lessons was effective as intervention material in teaching Mathematics 8 specifically on the topics in the Third Quarter of the Most Essential Learning Competencies. However, the null hypothesis HO2 was accepted. This showed that there is no significant relationship between the perception of learners of the teacher-made video lesson and their math performance. As a result, teachers should consider the use of the Teacher-Made Video Lesson as an intervention material for them to cope up with students with problem during the online class discussion. Moreover, similar studies about the use of the Teacher-Made Video Lesson learning material as intervention not just only in Mathematics but also in other subject areas should be conducted and use other variables aside from those considered in the study.