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School Heads Management Practices and Elementary Teachers Performance in Calauan District, Division of Laguna

Volume: 106  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 11 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 499  ,  Download: 1153 , Pages: 304 - 317    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223742


# Author Name


This study aimed to find out the relationship between school heads management practices and elementary teachers performance in Calauan District, Division of Laguna. In this study the school head and teachers rated the management practices of the school heads in terms of leadership, monitoring, people, training and development and elementary teachers performance in terms of teaching and learning process, student?s outcomes, community involvement, professional growth and development, awards/ recognition and special assignment/ designation. The researcher used the descriptive research in testing the hypothesis and systematically analyzed the data gathered from school heads and teachers as respondents of the study from Calauan District, Division of Laguna were the. The statistical tools used were the weighted mean, standard deviation, and Pearson?s r. Based on the data given, school heads and teachers revealed that management practices of school heads in terms of leadership, monitoring, people, training and development were interpreted as great extent. The elementary teachers? performance in terms of teaching and learning process, student?s outcomes, community involvement and awards/ recognition was interpreted as very high while elementary teachers performance in terms of professional growth and development and special assignment/ designation was interpreted as high. The data given by the school heads and teachers on the school heads management practices had a significant relationship with regards to the performance of elementary teachers. This result led to rejection of the research hypothesis since most of the computed Pearson?s r correlation coefficient is less than the level of significance ? = .05 or (all p?s < 0.05). Based on the findings and conclusions drawn the following were hereby recommended: School heads should be firm when making decisions and delegating tasks to their teachers by getting the best out of people. In this regard, there is a need for them to recognize the need of their teachers, to be valued and to prove their worth as professionals. School heads have needs to conduct regular observations and meetings to discuss matters that affect teachers and students for general effectiveness. School heads can create opportunities for understanding the needs, aspirations and frustrations of each faculty members through effective communication, collaboration, mutual trust and openness among all the members of the school. School heads may create activities and programs that will share the values, norms and climate of the school that will make communities aware of the school goals and strengthen the bonds of coordination and cooperation between school and community. Future researchers are encouraged to utilize the same instruments or similar study on a larger scale studying how management practices relate to teachers performance.


  • Management Practices; Leadership; Monitoring; People; Training and Development; Teachers Performance; Student Outcomes; Community Development; Professional Growth and Development; Awards and Recogniti