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Principle Centered Management and Multitasking Strategies in Fostering Organizational Effectiveness

Volume: 107  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 16 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 516  ,  Download: 390 , Pages: 1 - 12    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001071820223767


# Author Name
1 Jason S. Dimaisip
2 Elisa N. Chua, Ph.D.


This investigation tried to find out the relationship of principle-centered management, multitasking strategies and organizational effectiveness among the public elementary teachers of San Francisco District, Division of San Pablo City. School based management and teachers? performance serve as to dependent variables of the study and were observed carefully as to its possible relationship with principle centered management and multitasking strategies. The respondents of the study were one hundred eighty-six (186) teachers in San Francisco District for the school year 2021 ? 2022 using a survey questionnaire through google forms as the main instrument in gathering the data. Simple descriptive statistics like frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation were used to describe the person ? related factors and perceptions of the respondents while the Pearson ? product ? moment correlation coefficient was used to identify the relationship. Hypothesis was tested at 0.05 probability level. Majority of the respondents are female, teaching 5 years and below, and having Teacher I positions. Most of the respondent graduated their Bachelor?s degree with M.A. units. Respondents perceived that principle centered management as highly practiced particularly personal vision, personal leadership, personal management, interpersonal leadership, emphatic communication, creative cooperation and balanced self-renewal.


  • Principle Centered Management
  • Multitasking
  • Organizational Effectiveness