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Technology Integration and Transformative Innovation in Education

Volume: 106  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 07 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 710  ,  Download: 679 , Pages: 204 - 208    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223743


# Author Name
1 Sairine R. Balmes


Integrating technology into the classroom helps and supports teachers in bridging the gap and making up for the weakness of traditional teaching methods with technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities. Teachers' ability to integrate technology is a growing topic concern about the importance of technology and skilled readiness in the 21st century in both academia and the global society. This study attempted to determine the correlation between technology integration and transformative innovation in education. The descriptive survey method of research was applied in this research study. Survey questionnaire in checklist form served as the main instrument for gathering the needed data. Statistics tools such as mean, standard deviation, Product Moment Correlation were used. The study revealed that all the measures of technology integration such as response and support, teachers? adaptation and technology application are significantly related to the transformative innovation of education in terms of performance, reforms and opportunities, and vision and aspiration. Based on the above findings, the following recommendations are given: It is suggested that school administrators may offer professional development to create innovative practices in technology integration. Next, the teachers are also encouraged to participate in training to utilize transformative innovation from technology integration and increase collaborative learning with colleagues. Lastly, future researchers may conduct similar descriptive correlational studies about transformative innovation in education with the perception of stakeholders on issues and challenges that innovative transformation would bring.


  • Transformational
  • Innovations
  • acceptance of technology
  • information technology