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Relationship of Students? Academic Achievement Related Issues with Certain Demographic Variables during COVID-19 Pandemic

Volume: 106  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 06 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 548  ,  Download: 425 , Pages: 176 - 192    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223739


# Author Name
1 Dr. Naushad Husain
2 Dr. Afaque Nadeem Khan


This research was intended to explore the relationship of students? academic engagement related issues with gender, residential background and types of educational institutions during COVID-19 pandemic. The descriptive survey method was used to achieve the objectives of research. A total of 134 parents of students studying in the upper primary levels of schools were participated to fill a self-constructed questionnaire on children's daily activities during pandemic. The data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and Pearson's chi-square statistics. The result reveals that 33.6% of the students couldn?t be engaged academically; one-third students couldn?t be connected with the schools for receiving home assignments; 29% of the parents admitted that their children found difficulties in accomplishing assignments through the ICT gadgets; one-fourth of the parents couldn?t be rescheduled the time-table for their children; one-third of the parents couldn?t be able to installed any educational app for their children; 80% rural students couldn?t be engaged in academic activities.


  • Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Online Learning
  • Residential Background
  • upper primary
  • Academic Engagement Related Issue