Volume: 106 , Issue: 1 , August Published Date: 04 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 506 , Download: 442 , Pages: 94 - 99
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223728
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 506 , Download: 442 , Pages: 94 - 99
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001061820223728
# | Author Name |
Healthy interpersonal dynamics are necessary to maintain a wonderful work environment. Strong interpersonal ties and a conflictfree workplace can only be achieved with solid leadership and effective communication. This study used a descriptive-correlational methodology to examine the association between administrative procedures and the interpersonal wellness programs conducted at the schools for public elementary school teachers. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness by Swarbrick and Yudof?spiritual, social, emotional, occupational,intellectual, environmental, financial, and physical?were then correlated to the perceived degree of administrative procedures and school-implemented programs. 155 respondents from San Pablo City's Schools Division, including 144 teachers and 11 master teachers, took part in the survey, using a Google Form survey that has been verified by professionals. The results of the Spearman Rho test showed a substantial correlation between the respondents' interpersonal health level and all administrative procedures in terms of leadership, support, trust, and decision-making. This shows that improving school administrators' organizational practices will considerably aid in the overall improvement of teachers' interpersonal wellbeing. The same can be said of the findings on the relationships between implemented school programs and levels of interpersonal wellness, professional development, health and safety, gender and development, values formation, and recreation. Effective school programs can help instructors respond more quickly to the demands of their jobs since they will take into account their unique needs. Keywords: Administrative practices, school programs, interpersonal wellness