Volume: 105 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 23 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 786 , Download: 534 , Pages: 510 - 523
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001051720223621
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 786 , Download: 534 , Pages: 510 - 523
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001051720223621
# | Author Name |
This descriptive method of study aimed to determine the level of integrative reading comprehension approach and mathematical problem-solving approach of three heterogeneous sections who were chosen purposively in Grade 7 of Binahaan Integrated School, Pagbilao II District, Division of Quezon. It sought to determine the student?s level of integrative reading comprehension approach in terms of literal, interpretative, and critical comprehension, as well as the student?s level of mathematical problem-solving approach in terms of understanding, strategizing and implementing. This study also determined the level of student?s performance in reading comprehension skills and problem-solving skills in terms of test and its relationship. It also identified the relationship between integrative reading comprehension approach and students? performance in reading comprehension, as well as the relationship between the mathematical problem-solving approach and students? performance in mathematical problem-solving. Based on the data presented, analyzed, and interpreted, it revealed that Grade 7 students have high level of integrative reading comprehension approach in terms of literal, interpretative and critical comprehension. In addition, the level of mathematical problem-solving approach in terms of understanding, strategizing and implementing among Grade 7 students is also high. The findings also revealed that Grade 7 students are in proficient level in Reading Comprehension Skills and Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills in terms of Test. The findings revealed that the null hypotheses were rejected which claims that there is no relationship between those variables. Thus, there is a significant relationship between the students? performance in reading comprehension skills and students? performance in mathematical problem-solving skills. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the integrative reading comprehension approach and students? performance in terms of reading comprehension skills and between the Mathematical Problem-Solving Approach and Students? Performance in terms of Problem-Solving Skills. This study recommends that teachers must to develop integrated Math and English intervention material to help the left - behind learners and maximize the teachers? potential in making more effective learning materials.