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Volume: 104  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 09 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 2378  ,  Download: 1174 , Pages: 828 - 844    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223572


# Author Name
1 Charlene Ann D. Regulacion


This study focused on the assessment of the relationship between the internal and external influences and the career preferences of the students. It aimed to find out the level of influence on the career preference of the one hundred sixty-five Grade 12 students of Don Bosco College and Mary Help of Christians College in choosing their college program. Based on the statement of the problem, the gathered data of the results were the following: The level of internal factors on the student?s career preference for individual perspective for family perspective was interpreted as High respectively, while peer perspective was interpreted as moderately high. The level of influence of external factors on the student?s career preference for compensation, for technical requirements, and for educational requirements interpreted as High. Also, in terms of Career Pathway, the dominant pathway is Social, Enterprising and Conventional (SEC). The internal factors in terms of individual career perspectives as to realistic, investigative, enterprising, and conventional career preference were revealed a ?strong and significant analysis? for realistic career preference, ?moderate and significant analysis? for investigative and conventional career preference, and weak but significant analysis? for enterprising career preference. Likewise, for the external factors in terms of compensation as to enterprising career preference indicated a ?moderate and significant analysis It is therefore concluded for the internal factors that individual perspective, family, and peer influence students' career choices significantly. While for the External Factors it is concluded that students continue to think about future benefits that they can use to help their families in the future. It is concluded that many of the student-respondents were into the Social, Enterprise, and Conventional (SEC) career pathway. Results showed a not significant relationship between the internal and external factors and career preferences; therefore, the hypothesis states that no significant relationship was sustained. This means that the students? career preferences are not dependent on the abovementioned factors. The school administrators may adopt the career test (The Holland Career Test, RIASEC) for graduating students as a career development program.


  • Career preference
  • Internal Factors
  • External factors
  • graduating students