Volume: 104 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 12 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 392 , Download: 402 , Pages: 946 - 957
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223565
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 392 , Download: 402 , Pages: 946 - 957
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223565
# | Author Name |
1 | Joanna Grace A. Beligon |
This study is about the Digitalized Assessment in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education to the Attitudes and Performance of Grade 8 students. The purpose of the study was to determine the appropriateness and acceptability of the digitalized assessment to the selected Grade 8 students of Pacita Complex National High School. This sought answer to the following questions. What is the level of Digitalized Assessment Delivery characteristics in terms of: clarity of instructions, level of easiness and difficulties, variety of lesson and language use? What is the extent of attitudes of Grade 8 students towards TLE with regards to: punctual, attentiveness, proficient, goal-oriented and honesty? Does the Digitalized Assessment Delivery have significant relationship to the attitude of the Grade 8 students towards TLE? Does the Digitalized Assessment Delivery have significant effect to the performance of Grade 8 students in TLE? The level of the Digitalized Assessment Delivery characteristics in terms of clarity of instructions, easiness and difficulties, variety of lessons and language used have been interpreted very acceptable. On the other hand, the results of the Extent of Attitudes of Grade 8 students towards TLE are as follows. The extent of attitudes regarding punctuality, proficiency, goal-oriented and honesty have been remarked by the respondents as always and observed to be at a very great extent. As to the extent of attitude regarding attentiveness, it has been remarked as oftentimes and observed to a great extent by the respondents. The degree of ease and difficulty of a digitalized assessment must be determined by the aim of the assessment and the capacity of students at the grade level, which has the lowest mean in the delivery of digitalized assessments. It proves that significant relationship between the digitalized assessment delivery characteristics and attitudes of the students is evident. Majority of the digitalized delivery characteristics do not have significant relationship on the performance which partially accepted the null hypothesis. The clarity of instruction, level of easiness and difficulty and language use shows not significantly affects the performance of the Grade 8 Students. The researcher had reached a conclusion after conducting extensive research. It has been proved that the Digitalized Assessment in TLE is appropriate and acceptable since the respondents have verified it based on the obtained and analyzed data. It was also shown that the Digitalized Assessment Delivery Characteristics and the student?s attitude had a significant relationship. Furthermore, the digitalized assessment's delivery characteristic has a significant impact on students' performance.