Volume: 104 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 10 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 418 , Download: 381 , Pages: 855 - 872
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223506
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 418 , Download: 381 , Pages: 855 - 872
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223506
# | Author Name |
1 | Djustine Paola Ranojo-Arriola |
The focal purpose of this study is to determine relationship of social class variation and parental involvement to students? learning development during remote instructions. Specifically, it aims to answer the level of social class variation, level of parental involvement, level of student?s learning development, significance relation between social class variation and student?s learning development and significance relation between parental involvement and student?s learning development. The scope of this study was centers only on the relation of social class variation and parental involvement in the student?s academic behavior and academic performance during remote instruction. The researcher avoids causing harm and assure that the actions will take responsibly. The data and information gathered by using questionnaires composing 50 questions that are answered by the parents/guardian and teacher respondents from Famy District. Findings shows that there are differences in social class variation of every family, some families are earning more and some are on the minimum wage, which can affect the student?s education whether if they can give and support the needs of their children. It also reveals that parents try their best to be involved on their children and give focus and attention on the learner?s progress, however, there are times that they canny fully monitored their children?s output due their works. There is also a high level of student?s learning development which is shown from their interest on learning and developing confidence that can positively affect their education. It also shows that social class variation has no significant relationship on student?s learning development because students do not rely on their economic status and understand the importance education. Parental involvement, attention, guidance and support has also proven to have a significant effect on the students? learning environment and performance in school. Recommendations included that the parents continue to be involved on their children education, always try to monitor their progress and address their needs so that they will increase their interest and motivation towards learning, teachers should continue to do some programs to let the parent involve in student?s learning environment, reach out and promote the importance of parental involvement on the learner?s education, for the school and teachers to help their learners develop their academic behavior by providing more self-reflective activities and/or extracurricular programs that could aid them on enhancing their study habits and interest, and it is suggested that school maintains the good relationship and effective communication with the parents so that they will be able to give their utmost support for the children, teacher and the whole school organization which can also be a foundation of effective learning development.