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Learning Module in Cookery

Volume: 104  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 04 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 498  ,  Download: 969 , Pages: 336 - 358    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223527


# Author Name


This study aimed to determine the validity of the learning module in Cookery in the UNTED EVANGELICAL CHURCH SCHOOL SCHOOL. Specifically it sought answers to the following questions. What is the component level of the module with regards to acceptability of learning module in Technology and Livelihood Education in terms of features:usability, consistency, adaptability and aestheitc value? What is the feature level of the module relative to Student?s Performance:Practical Test? What is the level of the students performance as to practical test? Do the components of the module has significant effect to the students performance of Grade 8? Do the features of the module has significant effect to the students performance of Grade 8? The descriptive method of research was used and a teacher made questionnaire was utilized in gathering the data. Fifty Grade 8 students in Technology and Livelihood Education were chosen using the stratified random sampling technique. The data and responses were collected rabulated and interpreted usiing the appropriate statistical treatments of data. Weighted meand and standard deviation were utilized to deteremine the significant effect of the performance of the students. The Grade 8 students of UECS got an average mean of 4.12 which implies that it is very evident when it comes to the relativity of the usability of the module. The significant effect of the components of the module on students performance as to practical test 0.2 and .09 found not significant.In terms of usability, consistency, adaptability, and aesthetic value obtained small relationship interpretation respectively foound out not significant. In terms of objectives of the developed module obtained a grand mean of 4.01 which means very acceptable. Simple and specific, attainable and measurable, time bound and directed to the pupil?s learning inputs revealed an interpretation of agree. While the relevant to the learning inputs of the module revealed an interpretation of strongly agree. The activities of the developed instructional module for the students , obtained a grand mean of 4.17 which means very acceptable. Performs the expected outcome of the lesson, realistic and practical enhancement for the reallife situation, interactive performances among their groups or peers revealed an interpretation of agree. While the objectives of the lesson and to acquire knowledge and skills revealed an interpretation of strongly agree. The general findings of the evaluation and validation of the learning module in Cookery in usability, consistency, adaptability, and aesthetic value obtained 0.41, 0.71, 0.60 and 0.80 and p-value of 0.685, 0.479, 0.555 and 0.635 which are found not significant. Significant effect of the components of the module on students performance as to practical test resulted to a t-value of 0.2, 0.8, 0.19 and 0.09 and a t-value of 0.986, 0.934, 0.848 and 0.929. which are found not significant.


  • assessment
  • usability
  • Adaptability
  • acceptability
  • modular approach
  • objectives
  • procedure
  • instructional learning module
  • Learning Objectives
  • activities
  • aesthetic values
  • contents
  • instructional learning module
  • Learners academic performance
  • modular approach
  • objectives
  • perforamance task
  • practical test
  • procedure
  • usability