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Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 14 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 641  ,  Download: 786 , Pages: 838 - 872    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223352


# Author Name


ABSTRACT Since the onset of covid19 pandemic, many educational institutions have faced challenges. Educational leaders have tried to manage the new situation, and the teachers were very much affected by the sudden shift in the new normal situation in education. This study aimed to determine the relationship of the challenges and opportunities met the English Language Teachers amidst pandemic. Specifically, the study attempted to investigate on the following; (1) the mean level of the challenges met by the Language teachers during the new normal situation in education in terms of: 1.1. ICT literacy 1.2. Delivery of instruction 1.3. Time constraint 1.4. Assessment of learning (2) The mean level of the opportunities of the Language teachers during the new normal in education in terms of: 2.1. Professional growth and Skills development 2.2. Research Engagement and (3) the relationship between the challenges and opportunities of the English language teachers during the new normal situation in education. Descriptive method of research was used to analyze the data systematically. The respondents were forty-three (43) English Teachers of Pedro Guevara Memorial National High School, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, and nine (9) English Teachers of Don Manuel Rivera Integrated National High School, Pila, Laguna. They were selected using the purposive sampling technique. Based on the data gathered, the researcher found out that there was a significant relationship between the challenges and opportunities met by the English Language Teachers in the new normal situation in education. It shows that the null hypothesis stating that ?there is no significant relationship between the challenges and opportunities of the English language teachers during the new normal situation in education? has been rejected. Hence, the result calls for the acceptance of the alternative which incites that there is a significant relationship between the challenges and opportunities met by the English Language Teachers in the new normal situation in education. Based on the findings, the following were recommended: Curriculum Planners may conduct strategic scenario analysis for best possible and worst scenarios especially in areas where development or amendment is needed. School administrators and school heads may conduct seminar workshops from time to time in order to update and enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers especially in ICT. DepEd Officials and Policy Makers are encouraged to allocate funds to provide all the necessary gadgets and materials in order to cope up with new normal situation in education. School heads may provide support system that could help teachers in dealing with the challenges, not only in terms of knowledge and skills but also in terms of emotional aspect. Future researchers may conduct similar studies having separate respondents; i.e. online teachers and teachers in the modular distance learning modality.