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Sports Performance and Stress Resiliency On Student-Athletes Academic Success

Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 15 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 886  ,  Download: 848 , Pages: 912 - 929    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223347


# Author Name


This descriptive study aims to determine the sports performance and stress resiliency on student-athletes academic success. This aims to answer the level of sports performance, level of stress resiliency and the level of academic success in terms of academic engagement and academic performance. The primary aim of this study is to determine Sports Performance and Stress Resiliency on Student-Athletes Academic Success. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: What is the level of sports performance in terms of strength, reactivity, stamina and flexibility. What is the level of stress resiliency in terms of emotional, social and physical? What is the level of academic success in terms of academic engagement and Academic Performance? Does sports performance have significant relationship on the academic success of student athletes? Does stress resiliency have significant relationship on the academic success of student athletes? Sixty (60) respondents composed of thirty (30) grade 11 and thirty (30) grade 12 from sports track strand who already grouped before this study was conducted was chosen as the official respondents of this study. The descriptive method was utilized in this study since it yields valid and reliable results for a manageable number of respondents and can be accomplished with limited resources. The research also used the survey questionnaire to obtain data from the selected respondents. The process of descriptive survey research went beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. It involved an element of interpretation of the meaning or significance of the result since the investigation is concerned with determining the Sports Performance and Stress Resiliency on Student-Athletes Academic Success


  • sports performance
  • stress resiliency
  • academic success