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Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 13 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 581  ,  Download: 371 , Pages: 784 - 796    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223341


# Author Name
1 Marynell Reyes Velasco


This study aimed to determine the effect of Instructional Module in Cookery II: focus on main course. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions (1) What is the level of components on Instructional module with regards to:(1.1) objectives; (1.2) content;(1.3) activities; and (1.4) assessment? (2) What is the level of characteristics of Instructional module in relation to: (2.1) usability;(2.2) consistency; (2.3) aesthetic value; and (2.4) relevance? (3) What is the level of student?s performance in terms of: (3.1) written test (3.2) practical test? (4) Do the components and characteristics of Instructional module has significant effect to the students? performance. The research design employed in this study was Quantitative Method of Research the respondents are the cookery students in the Cuyab Integrated National High School. The research instruments used here were checklist and questionnaires. The findings of the study were as follows The level of components on Instructional module with regards to objectives, contents, activities; and assessment interpreted as very high while the level of characteristics of Instructional module in relation to usability, consistency, aesthetic value; and relevance is also interpreted as very high. On the other hand, the level of student?s performance in terms of written and practical test in the module components and characteristics is outstanding and for the significant effect of components and characteristic of Instructional module to student?s performance the result is not significant therefore based on the gathered data, the researcher conclusion is that the components and characteristic of Instructional module has no significant effect to the students? performance in the written and performance test that is why the null hypothesis was accepted, and based on the preceding findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were suggested. It is recommended that the newly developed module be tested with the larger scale of students to find out if the same results will be obtained , to modified and upgrade the activities in the module to further enhance the knowledge and skills of the learners, it is also recommended that the result of the study be used as a basis in choosing which lessons or aspects of the lesson should gain more focus our attention in improving the module develop and to further promote effective teaching and learning it is also recommended that the module be utilized in other public or private schools especially


  • instructional module
  • Module
  • cookery
  • main course