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Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 15 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 683  ,  Download: 530 , Pages: 902 - 911    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223333


# Author Name
1 Micae Rebong


This is a quantitative study that aims to explore whether micro-lecture teaching such as self-made videos and infographics will improve students? academic achievements and enhance the learning motivation of Junior High School learners at San Francisco Integrated National High School than the Traditional Powerpoint Presentation. The respondents of this study were the Grade 7 Junior High School learners of San Francsico Integrated National High School. There was a total of 120 learners from the 4 sections of Grade 7. There was also a total of 60 combined Science and ICT Teachers who validated the materials made by the researcher. Moreover, the researcher created a 20-item validation tool that served as questionnaires pertaining to the design, content, appropriateness, and purpose of the Micro-Lecture used. Pre-test and post-test were also administered before and after each micro-lecture tool used. There has been treated using an independent samples t-test to evaluate the difference between participants? means of scores on the pre and post-measurements of academic performance. The following were the significant findings of the investigation. The level of acceptance in micro-lecture teaching materials with regards to design. Infographics obtained the highest Overall mean of 4.58 with an SD of 0.67. The level of acceptance in micro-lecture teaching materials with regards to the content. Self-made Video obtained the highest Overall mean of 4.77 with an SD of 0.55. Furthermore, regarding the level of acceptance in micro-lecture teaching materials with regards to appropriateness the Traditional PPT got the highest Overall mean of 4.63 with an SD of 0.66. Based on the level of acceptance in micro-lecture teaching materials with regards to Purpose. The Traditional PPT obtained the highest Overall mean of 4.61 with an SD of 0.68. However, the mean Performance of Students in the Experimental Group Before and After Using the Self-Made Video and Infographics shows a significant difference. In the self-made video, after using the material the satisfactory level which has a mean score of 17.05 and a Standard Deviation of 8.72 leads to a very satisfactory with a mean score of 29.32 and a standard deviation of 5.80. On the other hand, the use of infographics also shows a significant effect in which they have the same findings from a satisfactory level to a very satisfactory level before and after using the said material which is the infographics. When it comes to the Mean Performance of Students in Controlled Group Before and After Using the Traditional PPT, before using the material the learners obtained a mean score of 28.5 and a standard deviation of 13.2 with a verbal interpretation which is fairly satisfactory. After using the traditional PPT, the learner obtained a mean score of 35.75 and a standard deviation of 11.79 with a satisfactory rating. In this case, even though the learner?s performance increases after each use of micro-lecture teaching materials, among the three materials Self-made video shows the highest increase in performance after the use of the material as compared to infographics and Traditional PPT. The result shows that Traditional PPT obtained a higher mean difference than the Infographics. The reason behind this could be the common use of the traditional PPT rather than the infographics. It could also possibly mean that the teacher is much more familiar and it mastered the making of the traditional PPT rather than the infographics. It also matters how the teacher makes the micro-lecture. In Traditional PPT, the teacher can put up a wide array of explanations rather than infographics. Aside from this, the learners could also often use the traditional PPT rather than the infographics. They are often used Traditional PPT rather than infographics and its convenience and familiarity play a major role. Pertaining to the significant difference in the performance of the students before and after using the micro learning teaching materials used in an experimental and controlled group. It has a significant difference before and after the use of each material.


  • micro-lecture
  • self-made video
  • infographics
  • traditional powerpoint
  • pre-test
  • post-test