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Gender Sensitivity and Interest of Grade 7 Technology and Livelihood Education Students

Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 13 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 748  ,  Download: 535 , Pages: 746 - 753    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223314


# Author Name


This study was anchored on Gender Role Theory and Cognitive Development Theory. It investigated the relationship between the gender sensitivity and interest of grade 7 students in their technology and livelihood education exploratory courses. The study adopted the descriptive research design and utilized a researcher-made, expert validated research instrument. A total of 120 students were purposively sampled. Results of the study showed that the composition of the respondents is almost evenly participated by male and female. It was also discovered that a vast majority of the respondents? parents were supportive of their gender preferences and majority of them were at the average or can manage socio-economic status. The findings also showed that the teacher has very high level of gender sensitivity in terms of academic support, emotional support, and socio-relational support. Similarly, data on the status of the seventh-grade students? interest in TLE exploratory courses indicated very high results. The null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the profile of the seventh-grade students and the status of their interest in TLE exploratory courses was accepted. On the other hand, null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the teacher?s gender sensitivity and the status of interest in TLE exploratory courses was partially rejected. The results for the teacher?s gender sensitivity in terms of socio-relational support and the status of their interest in TLE exploratory courses with regards to studying with group or partner and eliminating distractions showed significant relationship. It was recommended for the teacher to sustain the practice of ensuring gender sensitivity in terms of academic support, emotional support, and socio-relational support to promote a sense of safety and security among learners particularly to those who are experiencing fear due to their gender preferences. Students are advised to motivate themselves further in their TLE courses. School and other officials should also promote the inclusion of gender sensitivity in offering TLE exploratory courses. Finally, future researchers may conduct studies on the lived experiences of students particularly those who belong to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQQ). This would allow to create a better picture of their deeper thoughts and feelings on their daily experiences.


  • Gender Sensitivity Interest