Volume: 102 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 06 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 552 , Download: 539 , Pages: 295 - 311
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223268
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 552 , Download: 539 , Pages: 295 - 311
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223268
# | Author Name |
The study was conducted to assess the online learning and performance of ESL learners amidst pandemic. Specifically, this study seeks to attain the following objectives: measure the level of challenges encountered and the level of coping strategies employed by ESL learners in English and its relationship; determine the level of performance of ESL learners and the difference between their performance in 1st and 2nd quarter in English and measure if the challenges and coping strategies significantly affect the students? performance. The researcher used the descriptive method in determining the level of challenges, coping strategies and performance of ESL learners and employed a survey-type questionnaire; this serves as the main research instrument of the study. The respondents were one hundred (100) ODL students (Grade 7-10) in Junior High School Department of Sta. Catalina INHS in Online Distance Learning. While, Mean and standard deviation were used to determine the level of challenges, coping strategies and performance of ESL learners. Furthermore, Spearman correlation was used to determine the relationship between the challenges and coping strategies of respondents while t-test was used to determine the difference between ESL performances in English for Quarter 1 & 2. Lastly Spearman Rho was used to determine if challenges and coping strategies significantly affect the students? performance. The data revealed that ESL learners met challenges at a Moderate Extent Challenging in terms of self-regulation, technological and competency, student isolation, mental health challenges and learning environment challenges as indicated by an overall mean of 4.03,3.74, 3.61,3.77 and standard deviation of 1.50,1.65,1.74,1.60. However, in terms of mental health challenges it yielded a mean score 3.36 and standard deviation of 1.65 at Small Extent Challenging. Furthermore, as for coping strategies ESL learners employed in terms of diversions, social/interpersonal coping strategies and coping strategies were marked as Frequently as showed by overall mean of 4.63,4.58,4.78 and standard deviation of 1.31,1.44,1.13. Thus, there is a weak identified relationship between the challenges met and coping strategies employed by the ESL learners. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. Moreover, the performance of ESL learners in 1st and 2nd quarter in English was verbally interpreted as Very Satisfactory with quarterly average at 88.44, 89.37 and standard deviation of 4.30, 3.82. Also, there is a recognized difference between the 1st and 2nd quarter performance of ESL learners. Hence, the hypothesis was again accepted. Moreover, there is a weak significant relationship between challenges and coping strategies to the 1st and 2nd quarter grades of ESL learners in e-learning in terms of mental health and learning environment challenges and diversion and social/ interpersonal coping strategies. Therefore, the hypothesis was once again accepted. Consequently, it is recommended that future researchers should conduct an extension for the quantitative component through surveys and involving a larger sample in the different levels of education.