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Online Distance Learning: Its Relation to Learners' Socialization

Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 01 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 751  ,  Download: 554 , Pages: 65 - 80    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223252


# Author Name


Schools are considered an important agent of socialization; learners tend to develop life skills that benefit them daily. COVID-19 pandemic gravely affected the supposed socialization skills that learners must acquire. Hence, the Department of Education addressed the issue by drafting the BE-LCP; prescribing the academe to adapt to the situation. This study aims to find the relationship between Online Distance Learning and Learners' Socialization. The study is set during the implementation of Online Distance Learning Modality, as prescribed by the BE-LCP amidst pandemics. The respondents were Junior High School learners enrolled in Online Distance Learning Modality from the Public-School Districts of Liliw and Majayjay. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions (1) What is the level of Online Distance Learning as to Cooperative Learning in terms of (1.1) Personal interdependence; and (1.2) Equal participation? (2) What is the level of Online Distance Learning as to Teaching Approaches in terms of (2.1) Collaborative; and (2.2) Inquiry-based? (3) What is the level of Learners' Socialization in terms of (3.1) Personality development, (3.2) Skills development, (3.3) Values formation, and (3.4) Social integration? (4) Is there a significant relationship between Online Distance Learning as Cooperative Learning and Learners' Socialization? And; (5) Is there a significant relationship between Online Teaching Approaches and Learners' Socialization? Findings showed a significant relationship between online distance learning and cooperative learning in terms of personal interdependence and equal participation and learners' socialization as to personality development, skills development, values formation, and social integration. Learners who work well with their peers develop behavior, skills, and values acceptable in society. In addition, there is a significant relationship between online distance learning as to teaching approach in terms of collaborative and inquiry-based approach and learners' socialization as to personality development, skills development, values formation, and social integration. This justified that collaborative and inquiry-based teaching approaches, though in online distance learning, are in accordance with learners' socialization. Learners who work well with their peers develop behavior, skills, and acceptable values in society. Based on the gathered data, the respondents realize and acknowledge the benefits of Online Distance Learning to their Learners' Socialization Process, which is anchored through the data that the respondents strongly agree with all the statements provided which illustrate its positive impact on them, as a person and as a learner. The research further reveals a significant relationship between Online Distance Learning, Cooperative Learning and Teaching Approaches, and Learners' Socialization across all indicators under each parameter. Therefore, the hypotheses stating that "Online Distance learning as to Cooperative Learning and Teaching Approaches has no significant relationship to Learners? Socialization is rejected. Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were set forth: (1.) Home and school coordination are recommended since learners take their classes at home; teachers may encourage parents to be more engaged in their child's education, (2.) Teachers may develop new teaching-learning strategies and approaches to addressing the needs of learners across all learning modalities amidst distant learning (3.) School administration, DRRM Coordinator, Guidance-in-charge, Safety and Health Officer may continue to provide relevant training for teachers concerning mental health and learners' socialization. It should be included in schools' LCP (Leaning Continuity Plan), (4.) Curriculum developers may continue providing the educational system with the most updated instructional material for the most comprehensive and reliable teaching reference (5.) Future researchers may use the findings of this study as the basis of a similar and/or relevant topic.


  • Online Distance Learning
  • Learners' Socialization
  • Learning Continuity Plan (BE/ES)