Volume: 101 , Issue: 1 , May Published Date: 25 May 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 481 , Download: 519 , Pages: 226 - 231
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001011520223157
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 481 , Download: 519 , Pages: 226 - 231
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001011520223157
# | Author Name |
The use of audio-visual materials has long been recognized to have the power to capture the attention of learners, increase their motivation and enhance their learning experience. Since the first use of filmstrips during the World War II as a training tool for soldiers (Hovland, Lumsdaine & Sheffield, 1949), both the technology and content have continuously grown. This paper explored the impact of Localized Educational Videos (LEV) entitled Project Mathnood at Mathtuto to the performance of ninth grade students of Punta Integrated School. The contents of the LEV were based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies and Budget of Work released by the Department of Education. This is to aid the teacher in transferring knowledge to the learners. Results showed that there is a significant difference between the performance of the experimental and comparison group after the implementation of the project. Experimental group dominates the comparison group with 12.255 mean difference in the post test resulting to a very large effect size. Thus, this implies that learning with the use of Localized Educational Video through Project Mathnood and Mathtuto was made possible; the implementation of Project Mathnood and Mathtuto was effective as revealed by the analyzed data; Project Mathnood and Mathtuto: Localized Educational Video is effective Further, the following recommendations were made: School Administrators and curriculum supervisors shall support the reproduction and dissemination of the available Localized Educational Videos; Teacher-researchers and other teachers shall identify least mastered competencies from first to fourth quarter and create LEVs; Schools and the SDO shall include filming of other localized educational videos on their Annual Implementation Plan; and Schools and the SDO shall tap teachers and other personnel who would be of help in making more LEVs.