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Organizational Work Scheme Protocols of Public Elementary School Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Volume: 96  ,  Issue: 1 , March    Published Date: 02 March 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 704  ,  Download: 511 , Pages: 97 - 108    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100961320222922


# Author Name
1 Ismael W. Baog
2 Marites L. Radin
3 Wenefredo E. Cagape
4 Khaskie O. Clerigo
5 Jamaico C. Magayo


This study aimed to determine the level of organizational work scheme protocol of public school teachers in a particular district in the Division of Davao Occidental, Region XI, Philippines, during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study utilized the descriptive design with seventy-six (76) public school elementary teachers as respondents using a cluster sampling technique. A researcher-made survey questionnaire was used to gather relevant data with the proper observance of ethical protocols. This study revealed that there is a high level of manifestation on the variables under organizational work scheme protocol such as work from home schedule, leadership support, skeletal work home arrangement, observing health protocols. Finally, the study disclosed that the organizational work scheme protocols were strictly followed by teachers in this time pandemic as it relates to facilitating healthy and successful change in their respective schools. As such, it is highly recommended that school officials from schools to the higher levels of the educational system should always manifest strong support to teachers and continue the good organizational work scheme protocols so their work attitude in the time of pandemic will be boosted. However, regular assessment must be done as part of the monitoring system and find other areas that need improvement.


  • organizational work scheme protocols