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Students' Assessment and Performance in Machine Shorthand: Basis on the Development of Instructional Materials

Volume: 95  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 16 February 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 2143  ,  Download: 3834 , Pages: 20 - 33    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100951220222872


# Author Name
1 Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD


This research study was conducted to know the performance of the students in Machine shorthand. Many BSOA students find difficulty in Machine shorthand since they just met this subject in college. Unlike other subjects, they do not have an idea about it. BSOA students are having a hard time in dealing with Machine shorthand and it requires effort, attention, skill and focus to this matter. The descriptive method was used as research design. Self-made questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was utilized to obtain the data needed in in terms of striking speed, reading comprehension and transcription ability. Pre-test and Post-test was executed to determine the performance in machine shorthand. Tools such as weighted mean, standard deviation and t-test was used to interpret the results. One hundred thirteen (113) students completed the survey instrument. This study revealed machine shorthand on students? knowledge is satisfactory and performance is moderately satisfactory. The conducted pre-test is less satisfactory with a total mean score of 11.805 and post test with a verbal interpretation of satisfactory. A significant difference to the assessment of Machine Shorthand to the students at 0.05 level of significance was found between knowledge and their performance which means the assessment of students? performance affects their knowledge on Machine Shorthand. A development of instructional materials shall be proposed for the improvement of students? performance which include learn to operate the Machine shorthand through proper keyboard techniques and full understanding of the principles involved in learning.


  • reading comprehension
  • keyboard practice
  • sound pattern
  • striking speed
  • transcription ability
  • transcription ability
  • word abbreviations