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Challenges Encountered by Physical Education Teachers on Blended learning Approach in Physical Education in times of Covid ? 19 Pandemics

Volume: 95  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 21 February 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 727  ,  Download: 1521 , Pages: 311 - 325    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100951220222909


# Author Name


The study aimed to explore the challenges encountered by Physical Education Teachers on Blended Teaching Approach in Physical Education in times of COVID-19 Pandemic. The challenges encountered was brought due to the emergence of COVID-19 Pandemic. The research is qualitative in nature and used descriptive narrative method which primarily aimed to gain understanding of the challenges encountered by Physical Education Teachers on Blended Teaching Approach in Physical Education in times of COVID-19 Pandemic. The participants of the study were purposively selected. The Teachers Teaching Physical Education subjects participated in an interactive interview and answered the questions in the interview schedule which was the semi-loosely structured interview. The Inductive Thematic Approach was adapted utilizing the steps in Colaizzi Method to interpret the narrative account of the informants on challenges encountered by Physical Education Teachers on Blended Teaching Approach in times of COVID-19 Pandemic. Based on the result of the study, the following themes had been generated: First, the Teaching- Learning Experiences in which they had encountered lack of parental support and Involvement, lack of communication and comprehension. Second, is the Technical Support which includes Poor internet Connection, unavailability of Technological Gadgets and poor Technical Literacy. With regards to the challenges encountered a Proposed Intervention Plan may be utilized.


  • Teachers.
  • experience
  • distance education
  • pedagogy
  • innovative