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Getting the Answer Exactly Right: Dealing with Math Misconception

Volume: 93  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 23 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 713  ,  Download: 563 , Pages: 306 - 310    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222745


# Author Name
1 Elymar A. Pascual


It is generally agreed Mathematics is a complex subject that caters to the higher order thinking skill of learners and teachers as well. Twelve misconceptions in Mathematics have been established in the past decades and not every one of these misconception can be said to have subsided in the education arena, but continue to promulgate as they were not dealt with in a day-to-day classroom scenario. This study focused on investigating on one Math misconceptions, ?It is always important to get the answer exactly right.? Fifty-seven high school learners were asked to rate the different Math misconceptions and getting the answer exactly right revealed to have the highest mean level compared to other Math misconceptions. Participants were interviewed to share their idea why they think it is always important to get the answer exactly right and most answers appeared to be learning experiential in nature. Recommendations were given to Math teachers in focusing into the process of getting the answer rather than the end-product, though it is indeed needed to get the answer exactly right.


  • misconception
  • Mathematics
  • Math problem
  • Math answer