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A Review of Uncovered Myriad Inequities within Systems of Education Amidst Covid-19

Volume: 92  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 12 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 508  ,  Download: 450 , Pages: 428 - 444    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222675


# Author Name
1 Natalia S. Intja
2 kretha Mbambo
3 Martha Nahole


This study aims at revealing how the Covid-19 pandemic has degraded the inequities in the education fraternity by looking at how children and families access resources, whether or not they have supportive and safe environments that are necessary for optimal learning knowing that inequities are exponentially greater in times of crisis and suggest strategies to unravel the inequities to advocate for equal distribution and access of needs for all in academia. Literature was reviewed and analyzed by searching the Google Scholar database. The following keywords were used in the search: Covid-19, educational inequities, education, horizontal and vertical equities, and myriad. The study revealed that family crises, lack of healthcare, mental health issues, poor technological instructions such as internet connectivity and computers, and poverty are one of the many challenges of educational inequities signaling as constraints to online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic. The study recommends the government partner with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to install VSATs at the unreached areas, the government can advise or encourage the mobile network operators that is MTC and Telecom to extend their coverage (which must include 3G and 4G) to remote areas, the government should fund a one-home-one-device initiative. This is to ensure that every home has access to an internet-enabled device and the schools should also devise the strategies of innovating, sustain and optimizing to unravel the inequities in academia.


  • Covid-19; Educational Inequities; Education; Horizontal; Vertical Equities; Myriad