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A Content Analysis of the Literary Portrayal of Young Females as Accomplices in Financial Freedom as Illustrated in Jami Gallado?s the Billionaire?s Surrogate

Volume: 92  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 12 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 528  ,  Download: 474 , Pages: 408 - 427    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222674


# Author Name
1 Natalia S. Intja
2 Kretha Mbambo 
3 Martha Nahole


The central objectives in this paper aims at examining how young female university students are portrayed as participants of the financial struggle, exploring the representations of the experiences that young female university students encountered during the financial struggle whilst at the university and developing a model of Young Female University Students (YFUS) in the global village to present how they want to be as opposed to how their cultural norms want them to be. The focus of the paper is to investigate how American contemporary romance fiction represents young female university students in struggles for financial freedom. It examines whether young female university students are portrayed as agents to financial freedom due to poverty or simply vulnerable objects and victims in the tertiary environment. This investigation may benefit those who appreciate the art of literature and romantic fiction in particular, and to view young female university students not as objects, but as individuals who play a constructive role. The study may as well contribute to the body of knowledge on post-modernism, feminism, and transactional literature as the researcher explores the issue of young female university students as agencies to financial freedom which seems to have been overlooked in the past.


  • Literary Portrayal; Young Females; Financial Freedom; Billionaire’s Surrogate; Surrogacy