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Volume: 90  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 08 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1066  ,  Download: 580 , Pages: 342 - 354    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009011220212499


# Author Name
1 Elymar A. Pascual
2 Raven Rain G. Castillo


Correspondence can be found in a variety of media, including letters, memos, e-mail messages, text messages, fax messages, voicemails, and notes. Teacher-made correspondence website includes a section where students can send questions or feedback in the webpage content through email where the teacher can respond to learners? concern. This study aimed at exploring the assistance that teacher-made website can provide to SHS learners, particularly in research subject. The link to the website portion was made visible in the Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) which was distributed to learners on a regular basis. There were materials on the website that assisted learners every week, and students communicated with their teacher through the feedback portion. The study made use of explanatory sequential mixed method of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The participants were 51 grade 12 General Academic Strand (GAS) and Accountancy, Business and Management Learners (ABM) learners, while the respondents among the participants were 34. Findings revealed that there is a significant increase in the academic performance of Grade 12 learners in Practical Research 2 through the use of teacher-made correspondence website. Learners rated the different aspects of the website (correspondence or interactivity, clarity of content, graphics, relevancy of material, and teachers? accommodation to queries) as very highly satisfactory. The two themes developed were (1) Website is a very good help for learners in having a wide view of research topics, and (2) Correspondence website is helpful for teachers in meeting the academic concerns of students. Reflection and challenge on continuing to pursue ways for knowledge to be available even amidst world crisis was laid down at the end of the study.


  • materials
  • senior high school
  • supplemental
  • website