Volume: 90 , Issue: 1 , December Published Date: 08 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1025 , Download: 698 , Pages: 329 - 341
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009011220212498
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1025 , Download: 698 , Pages: 329 - 341
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009011220212498
# | Author Name |
1 | Elymar A. Pascual |
2 | Rodilyn Alvarez |
Online consultation this time of pandemic is important for the teachers? awareness of the needs and interests of the learners in a particular subject. This study explored on the effectiveness of having online consultation in modular distance learning leading to learners? better output and academic performance. There was a weekly online consultation held for Practical Research learners through Google Meet application. This online intervention was deemed to enrich teaching and learning by having weekly consultation to learners who have specific needs in addressing the competency provided every week. The class officers of GAS and ABM were given task to collect questions for the week and facilitate in soliciting answers from the teacher during the event. This meeting was scheduled and was reflected in the Weekly Home Learning Plan distributed to learners in a regular basis. The study made use of explanatory sequential mixed method of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The participants were 51 grade 12 General Academic Strand (GAS) and Accountancy, Business and Management Learners (ABM) learners, while the respondents among the participants were 34. Findings revealed that there is a significant increase in the academic performance of Grade 12 learners in Practical Research 2 when weekly online consultation is implemented. Learners rated the different aspects of online consultation (facility in understanding, cost, timeframe and schedule, quality of output, and accommodation of teacher) as very highly satisfactory. The theme developed was focused on learners gaining knowledge: The implementation of weekly online consultation can help the students in learning as they ask questions to the teacher, producing a very good output. Reflection and challenge on building connections for better knowledge dissemination in this time of pandemic was laid down at the end of the study.