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Modular Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Emerging Opportunities, Challenges and Difficulties

Volume: 85  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 22 September 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1499  ,  Download: 921 , Pages: 124 - 135    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100851920212264


# Author Name
1 Musa Kamidon Damao, PhD, LPT


Abstract The study sought to find out the effects of the Modular classes from the parents, teachers and students. There are numerous effects of modular learning modality on students? learning acquisition and social behaviour. Some students became busy to other works instead of focusing on the modules. The study also brought out the emerging opportunities, challenges and difficulties of the modular classes. The result revealed that there are opportunities that people enjoyed during the modular classes. Some of the opportunities are (1) parent-children relationship became even closer; (2) more time to study and research; (3) ensures life-work balance and (4) parents are able to focus on their children?s studies. The respondents enumerated the challenges and difficulties they faced during modular classes. They emphasized the importance of cooperation among the students, parents and teachers. They pointed out that lack of direct supervision of the teachers is the greatest challenge. Validity and reliability of students? answers are questionable. Another challenge is the weakening students? learning outcomes and ? worse ?students became addict with computer games. Parents, teachers and students ? the primary stakeholders ? recommended the coming back to face-to-face classes because modular classes really affect students? learning. Key words: Modular Classes; challenges and difficulties; Direct Supervision; Primary Stakeholders; Emerging Opportunities