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Volume: 84  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 16 September 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 787  ,  Download: 595 , Pages: 222 - 239    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100841920212256


# Author Name
1 Imam Fuadi
2 Bambang Wiyono
3 Nur Efendi


This research is motivated by the reality that strategic management has enormous benefits for an organization to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of programs to achieve the goals that have been set. The benefits of strategic management include being able to identify possible threats from the environment so that they can be avoided as early as possible, being able to create synergy and organizational spirit to increase productivity, and being able to adjust the direction of the organization's journey with the mission and goals to be achieved. Strategic management is an effective alternative to strengthen the organizational culture of an educational institution, including madrasa institutions. The approach in this study uses a qualitative approach with the type of research being a multi-site study. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. data is analyzed repeatedly through single data analysis and cross-site analysis. The findings of this study are 1) Formulation of strategies for strengthening madrasah organizational culture is based on internal analysis through Madrasah Self-Evaluation (EDM) and also SWOT analysis. 2) Implementation of strategies for strengthening madrasah organizational culture is carried out through program formulation activities as a derivative or elaboration of the strategic program formulations determined in the planning, organizational structure, and HR placement stages by their competencies 3) Evaluation of strategies for strengthening madrasa organizational culture is carried out by comparing performance achievements with indicators of program success that have been set at the beginning. Evaluation activities are carried out by involving all components of the madrasa and external parties by prioritizing the principles of togetherness, kinship, and openness as well as religious values to obtain objective evaluation results.