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Turo-Turismo Culture-Based Instructional Materials for SHS English

Volume: 80  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 17 July 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 757  ,  Download: 985 , Pages: 146 - 158    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100801720212099


# Author Name
1 Ma. Vibeth C. Luga


The full implementation of the SHS poses a challenge in the provision of instructional materials (IMs), especially in the teaching of the competencies in the course, Reading and Writing Skills. This course specifically demands IMs for reading articles that would both engage the learners in the task and would cultivate their knowledge of culture and heritage to enhance learning experiences (Culatta, 2016; Anderson, 1977; Halliday, 1976; Vygotsky 1986). Furthermore, the Turo-turismo Program compounds the need for IMs to be manifested in the course instruction. This study aims to develop and utilize the Turo-turismo culture-based instructional materials. The research respondents are the 88 senior high school students chosen thru convenience sampling. These students are from Lourdes National High School in Panglao, Bohol, Philippines which pilots the national implementation of the Turo-turismo Program. This study employs a mixed method of both quantitative and qualitative designs. The validated and researcher-made pre-post-test is conducted to identify the proficiency level of students before and after the conduct of the culture-based activities. A needs analysis is done to identify the culture-based IMs to be included in the module. It is quantitatively based on the pretest and qualitatively based on the encounter with the internal and external stakeholders during the SHS work immersion of the researcher. The findings of the pre-post-tests reveal that the culture-based activities improve the proficiency level of the students from foundations to advanced (high) or launch levels. This implies that the developed IMs are effective tools in improving the Reading and Writing Skills of the students.


  • culture-based
  • culture-based learning activity
  • Turo-Turismo
  • IMs
  • Reading and Writing Skills