Volume: 75 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 01 May 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 11873 , Download: 13791 , Pages: 90 - 104
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100751420211869
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 11873 , Download: 13791 , Pages: 90 - 104
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100751420211869
# | Author Name |
Countries were lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Due to this Schools around the country were closed to prevent the possibilities of getting the virus. With this situation, the Department of Education decided to develop learning Modalities. One of it is the Modular Distance Learning where Self Learning Modules were utilized as medium for teaching-learning process. It is a challenge for both teachers and learners specially in terms of reading development. This study investigated the impact of Modular distance learning to the reading development of Beginning Readers of Torrijos Central School. The study found out that Modular Distance Learning affect the reading development of Beginning Readers. One factor is that; some parents were not trained to teach reading professionally. Some households have limited reading resources to be used in reading. It was also found that reading implementation at home during Modular Distance Learning is low that is why the reading development also decreased. Based from the result of the study the researcher recommended to develop home reading habit among beginning readers. Teachers should use different reading techniques in teaching beginning readers.