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Embracing the Agile Mindset: Faculty Perspective

Volume: 65  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 09 December 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1028  ,  Download: 755 , Pages: 103 - 108    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006511120201577


# Author Name
1 Dr. Savitha G R
2 Dr. Jairaj Nair


An agile mindset is about creating and responding to change in uncertain and turbulent environments. It?s about thinking through how one can understand what?s going on in the environment, identify what uncertainty one is facing and figure out how to adapt and go along. Embracing an agile mindset in Higher Education is not an easy task. Educational leaders are currently facing complexity and growing expectation. Academic heads must catch up with the growth of higher-order competences for an ever-increasing diversity of learners. In order to survive in the volatile environment, Management Institutions must adopt and embrace innovative pedagogical methods and technologies and also have to balance divergent interests and pressures from employees, regulatory boards and other stakeholders. Challenged with these complexities, Management Education leaders need to be equipped with the capabilities to tolerate ambiguity, adaptively respond to change as it happens. In short, we need academic leaders to develop greater agility.


  • Innovation
  • Agility
  • Management Education