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ICT as a Tool for Promoting Distance Education in Nigerian Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Volume: 53  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 27 May 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 820  ,  Download: 819


# Author Name
1 Ilokanulo Samuel Nchekwubemchukwu



Learning is a lifelong process and for one to keep up to date with changes in the learning process, he must incorporate ICT to make it easier, convenient and accessible. In light of the above, this paper tends to review distance learning and the application of ICT in TVET in Nigeria. It then highlights the global view of distance learning as a vehicle for conveying TVET through ICT. It further gave a brief history of distance education in Nigeria and the problems of distance learning in conveying TVET programmes which include poor infrastructural development and insufficient knowledge by the instructors etc. The study, therefore, recommends that states should be given autonomy in generating energy, instructors in TVET institutions should be given adequate training and can collaborate with International TVET institutions through the distance learning programme. ICT as a tool for promoting distance learning delivery will create a big opportunity for secondary school graduates who are willing to attend higher institutions to be enrolled into distance learning programme as this also reduces the cost of running conventional institutions in the country. Distance learning will also help in giving learning opportunities to our youths moving to Asia and Europe for higher education.


  • Nigeria
  • Technical Vocational Education and Training
  • Information Communication Technology
  • Distance education
  • Nigeria