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Knowledge, Practice, and Attributes of Junior High School Professional Science Teachers

Volume: 48  ,  Issue: 1 , March    Published Date: 25 March 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 855  ,  Download: 692


# Author Name
1 Arlon Ponce Cadiz



Science teachers play an important role in upgrading the standards of teaching-learning process in the 21st century. Since the students are expected to have or possess learning outcomes and skills of the 21st century, professional science teachers should also have these 21st skills so that they can give their utmost best to ensure that the framework in science education is properly observed and become evident inside and outside the classroom. Hence, science teachers should possess the professional knowledge, apply professional practice, and exhibits professional attributes to become effective and efficient in educating the students on the importance of science concepts in their lives. This study used the cross-sectional survey and correlation designs in data collection and analysis of the knowledge, practice, and attributes of 37 Grade 10 science teachers. An adapted instrument, with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.92 was used. The participants labeled the knowledge (X=3.5397; SD=0.3928), practice (X=3.5422; SD=0.4291), and attributes (X=3.4839; SD=0.4520) as “Strongly Agree (SA)”. This study revealed that; (a) there is no significant difference between the male and female science teachers’ knowledge, practice, and attributes; and (b) there is no significant difference between single and married science teachers’ knowledge, practice, and attributes. However, there are components of science teachers’ professional practice which are significantly related to educational attainment. This study would be replicated considering perspectives of junior high school science teachers in other grade levels and also include other variables that may also affect or influence their professional qualities.


  • Knowledge
  • Practice
  • Attributes
  • Professional Science Teachers
  • Demographic variables
  • Professional Development Program