Mathematics & Statistics

Mathematics & Statistics

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Utilizing Graph Theory for the Smooth Flow of Transportation in Areas

Volume: 156  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 11 September 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 77  ,  Download: 42 , Pages: 178 - 184    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001561920247158


# Author Name
1 Fatima amir
2 Areeba Shahid


Mathematical Science is the only study that is utilized in numerous of other sciences to make the outcomes. Whether its about chemicals or motion of a body, computer or real life problems mathematical techniques are widely in use to solve these problems. Mathematics is not just all about the numbers. It has been utilized to solve many real life applications. Transportation is one of them which is the main objective of this research. Making a perfect transportation plan is important for a countrys esteem. It shows discipline and progress of a nation. Graph theory hypothesis will assists in making a better plan of the transportation. The main purpose of this paper is to apply minimum spanning tree problem and Kruskals algorithm to make a smooth flow of transportation by applying it in the blitz areas. This will help to find the shortest path between the places, hospitals are the main focus.