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The Impacts of Oil Produced Water and Drilling Chemicals on Natural Environment - Paloch Oil Field (Block 3&7) Melut County- Upper Nile State ? South Sudan

Volume: 32  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 17 July 2019
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 987  ,  Download: 1065


# Author Name
1 Othow Mayik Awet Anyong
2 Mohammed Abdo Desogi
3 Yasir Yousif Abdalla
4 Magoub Suleiman Mohammedian


This study was carried at northern Upper Nile State, Melut county, Paloch Oil Field Block (3&7) during the period 2015 - 2018. The main objective of the study was to investigate the impacts of oil produced water and drilling chemicals on natural environment in Paloch Oil Field (Block 3&7) Melut county- Upper Nile State – South Sudan. For data collection the area was divided into four strata as follows: Site1: area affected by produced water. Site2: area affected by Wells mud and cutting water. Site3: area affected by mining and drilling chemicals. Site4; area not affected by any factor (control area). The samples obtained were oil produced water, drilling mud and cutting water from well site, chemical yard water and control water (river Nile water). Also a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to stakeholders, community leaders, foresters, farmers, nomads and the oil company representative; and 80 respondents were interviewed (0,2% of total population), general observations were recorded and the water samples were analyzed. The study found that, large area of natural forest were uprooted and cleared felled for making ponds of oil produced water, all trees within the pond were dried up totally, agricultural and range lands have been converted into large ponds, holes (Pits), the life of native have been threaten by polluted and contaminated water. Chemical analysis of water samples revealed that, the percentage of Potassium element is very high in well site (99.8%) that is resulted from concentration of potassium chloride in drilling mud and cutting water, the percentage of Nitrogen were found high in the soil of site affected by oil produced water (78%). Also the mismanagement of drilling mud pit, oil produced water and chemical residuals increase the rate of oil related diseases, oil produced water areas are not fenced, chemical yard is not properly managed (gate is broken and chemicals are exposed to direct sun heat and rain water) Chemical containers are used by the ignorant native for carrying drinking water and milk.  The study recommended that the oil produced water should be  fence, treated and reinjected into oil wells also treated water can be used for irrigation of forest plantations for rehabilitation and restoration of affected sites. Hydrocarbon and heavy metals can be remediated by using bioremediation plants such (Phragmite  Australia, Hibiscus cannabinus and Vetiveria zizanioides) chemical yard should be protected and maintain.