Biology and Life Sciences
Volume: 143 , Issue: 1 , February Published Date: 19 February 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 352 , Download: 273 , Pages: 1 - 14
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001431220246093
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 352 , Download: 273 , Pages: 1 - 14
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001431220246093
# | Author Name |
1 | Lekhya Bandapalli |
Over the years longevity has increased drastically from a 50yr life span to 75 yrs as an average globally. This clearly highlights the effect of extrinsic factors such as nutrition , physical activity and medical advances (antibiotics, therapeutic care, etc) on longevity in humans.However , There are important intrinsic factors that contribute to long life as well, therefore this paper seeks to answer : Has genetic research provided any advances to increase human longevity? In this paper I have summarized the internal and external causes of longevity, laying emphasis on gene impact, meta-analyses of centenarian phenotype, clinical trials, and animal models tests to the development of longevity drugs for healthy aging in humans. I also briefly talk about the current advancements that may help scientists succeed in this field in the near future. The Key areas of focus in this paper are the role of telomeres, DNA Methylation, Mutations (suppression or prominence of genes or alleles),aging diseases and also the demography and heredity from centenarians.I have also talked about the advances in longevity pharmacology.