Biology and Life Sciences
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 987 , Download: 624
# | Author Name |
1 | Haleema Sadia |
2 | Asif Naeem |
3 | Abdul Majeed |
4 | Ayesha Alam |
5 | Shahid Raza |
Among many diseases; African sleeping sickness is a tropical disease which is result of the bite of tse.tse fly where parasitic protozoans (trypanosomes) are transmitted. Early symptoms of this disease are fever, limbs pain, anemia and chills. It affects the nervous system seriously even sometimes causing death. Four drugs are used to treat Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT). I.e, Suramin, Pentamidine, Melarsoprol and Eflornithine. First half of the 20th century was very important for the development of first three mentioned drugs, later on modern technology is discovering more innovative drugs for treatment of Sleeping Sickness. This article reviews about the stages, diagnosis and treatments of African sleeping sickness in living organisms.