Biology and Life Sciences

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Effect of different concentration of organic liquid fertilizer ?Amirthakaraisal? on growth of Polyscias sp in Sandy Regosol

Volume: 15  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 08 November 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 927  ,  Download: 703


# Author Name
1 Brintha Karunarathna


Organic liquid fertilizers are believed to be an effective way to sustain soil fertility and plant growth. An experiment was conducted at the Crop Farm, Eastern University, Sri Lanka during 2017-2018 to assess the influence of different concentration of organic liquid fertilizer Amirthakaraisal on growth of Polyscias sp. in sandy regosol. This experiment was conducted in poly bags which laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replicates. Treatments of different concentrations of Amirthakaraisal such as 1% (T2), 3% (T3), 5% (T4) and 7% (T5) were prepared separately and water was used as control (T1). While planting, Polyscias cuttings were dipped into different concentration of Amirthakaraisal solutions and water according to treatments for a period of 15 minutes. Same quantity of Amirthakaraisal was pour into poly bags in once in four days for three weeks. The study revealed that there were significant differences (P<0.05) in plant height, root length, fresh and dry weights of plant, shoot, root and number of roots of Polyscias sp, It was high in T3 compared with tested treatments. However, there was no significant differences (P>0.05) in chlorophyll content and number of branches. The present study suggests that 3% of Amirthakaraisal would be the most suitable concentration to enhance the rooting and growth of Polyscias sp in sandy regosol.


  • Amirthakaraisal
  • liquid fertilizers
  • Polyscias