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Production of Oyster Mushroom Using Sterilized and Carbonized Fruiting Bags: A Comparative Study

Volume: 105  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 29 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 967  ,  Download: 3782 , Pages: 676 - 706    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001051720223684


# Author Name
1 Charito M. DeVilla
2 Vilma M. Geronimo
3 Maria Eva E. Diongco


The study was conducted for production of oyster mushrooms using sterilized and carbonized fruiting bags. Using these agro-wastes as substrates in different mixture proportions, the productivity of oyster mushrooms was investigated in terms of the number of yields, mass, size, and height. An experimental research design was used to test the hypothesis of the significant difference in the yields and growth of oyster mushrooms between SPH-LS and CPH-LS. The percentage, weighted mean, ANOVA TEST, and two-tailed test were used to interpret the data gathered based on a comparative study of mushroom productivity in terms of the earlier mentioned variables. Analysis of data revealed that SPH-LS (25%?75%) is not significantly different (p > 0.05) from CPH-LS (25% ? 75%) as both showed almost the same average height produce. However, compared with the other two CPH-LSs is more recommended. Carbon could be mixed with another substrate rich in cellulose to grow mushrooms. The results showed that increasing the percentage of lye straw in the CPH and the SPH increases the yields, mass, and size of oyster mushrooms. This means that the said mixture combination is effective for mushroom production; however, no significant effect in the height of the mushroom in different mixture proportions with (P=0.015) was recorded. The results showed that increasing the percentage of lye straw in the carbonized palay husks and the sterilized palay husks increases the yields, mass, size and height of oyster mushrooms. Substrates with sterilized palay husks 25% with lye straw 75% were the most suitable substrate formulas for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. This substrate gave the highest value in the number of yields, mass, size, and height with a smooth, white, and wide in diameter fan shape cap, overlapping cluster, with slightly course gills running from the cap down below the elongated stem. Notably, the substrate with 100% carbonized palay husks gave no harvest of oyster mushrooms in the entire 30-day period of study). It was also found that the increasing ratio of lye straw in the substrate closely correlates with the number of yields, mass, size, height, texture, and appearance. There is a significant difference between the sterilized palay husk and carbonized palay husk as the fruiting oyster mushroom bag. It was revealed that the sterilized palay husk with lye straw produced a more significant amount of oyster mushroom in yield (piece), mass (gram), and size (cm) compared with carbonized palay husk but there is no significance in terms of height. Since that the production of oyster mushrooms using carbonized palay husk with lye straw was increased in terms of height. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study was partially accepted. It is recommended to utilize of the efficiency of agro-wastes as the substrate in cultivating oyster mushroom. More specifically the 25 % sterilized palay husk with 75 %lye straw. It can harvest more amount oyster mushroom in terms of yields, mass, and size. However, it is more recommended to used 25% carbonized palay husk with 75 % lye straw in terms of height of oyster mushroom.