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Assessment of Rangeland Health Attributes and Indicators in Sustainable Range Management (Northern Kordofan)

Volume: 10  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 23 August 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 898  ,  Download: 768


# Author Name
1 Ghazi El-khidir Mohamed



This study was conducted at “Abusonoon“ Mountain, approximately 40 km west of Elobied town in Sheikan locality in North Kordofan State , central Sudan. The objectives are to assess rangeland health attributes and indicators. The study concept was based on addressing the main factors of integrated and sustainable rangeland management, including range health as an accumulative result of the different range management practices. Indicators tested in this study included vegetation composition and frequency, ground cover, biomass production, erosion hazards, seed bank and soil integrity such as organic matter. Three sites were selected to represent rangeland types in the study area including flat sand, relatively low land and sand dunes (goz) sites. Five transects were taken in each site based on rele?e method and minimum area theory. In each site a plot of 1Km X 1km was selected and five transects were established inside to determine these indicators. The study revealed the following plant composition of each site: The sandy site was dominated by Fimbristyls dichotomo. The low land site was dominated by  Eragrostis tremula, while in the goz site the dominant species was Dactyloctenium aegyptium. The species with high frequencies were Cenchrus spp in sandy site, while Aristida spp, had high frequency in both low and goz sites. Percentage of plant cover was affected by the pattern of the area, where flat sandy site scored 66.3%, low land site scored 71.4% while goz site scored 77%. The litter coverage scored 21.9%, 10.5 and 9% for the flat sandy, low land and goz repectively. No erosion hazard was identified since bare soil was less than 25 %. Productivity as indicated by biomass showed   0.824 ton/ha. for flat sandy site, compared to 1.207 ton/ha.  for the depressions and 1.457 ton/ha. for the goz site. Carrying capacity was 109.87 AU/ha./day for sandy site, 160.93 AU /ha./day for the depressions site and 194.27 AU /ha./day for the goz site.


The study ascertained that vegetation cover is healthy in the area so there is only a need for activities of improvements and conservation. Replantation of trees in the area such as Acacia tortilis and, Maerua carssifollia, would be highly appreciated for more vegetation cover and sustainable land conservation.


  • Species