Arts Literature & Linguistics
Volume: 92 , Issue: 1 , January Published Date: 13 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 645 , Download: 489 , Pages: 588 - 599
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222709
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 645 , Download: 489 , Pages: 588 - 599
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222709
# | Author Name |
1 | Ni Kadek Devi Rahayu Padmayanti |
2 | I Nengah Sudipa |
3 | I Nyoman Suparwa |
The study is entitled ?Orthographic Errors in Japanese Vocabularies for Basic Level Pupils at Rizky Home School Kindergarten?. The aims of the study are to identified the types, factor of orthographic errors and how to deal the effect of the errors. The data was obtained from Rizky Home School Kindergarten basic level pupils batch 2020/2021 totaled 20 peoples. The data was collected by qualitative and quantitative appoarch, observation method and test (pretest-posttest) with note-taking techniques. The collected data was analyzed by theory of phonology by Kubozono (2015), error analysis by Fromkin (1973), Slip of the pen by Musfiroh (2008), Interlanguage by Slinker (1972), Cognitivism by Jordan (2008) and Jolly Phonic Method by Lloyd (2007). The results shows that determined orthographic errors exist in the classes of nouns, nouns adverbs and adjectives. Orthographic errors occured in vowel phonemes and consonant phonemes. The types of orthographic errors consist of 98 data omission, 35 data adition, 1 data inverted interlexeme mirror,28 data inverted intralexeme mirror and 19 data inverted shadow. The factors causing orthographic errors in Japanese vocabularies were due to 2 factors, namely negative language transfer and wrong teaching procedures. The treatment used to minimize orthographic errors in writing vocabularies using Japanese was by changing the conventional teaching method into a new way, namely inserting the theory of cognitivism and the application of the jolly phonic method, which was able to provide changes to a better direction in terms of values and psychology with an average value in first semester, those who had not been given treatment were at 55.75. Meanwhile, 6 months later after being given treatment, the average score for basic level pupils at Rizky Home School Kindergarten rose to 71.35, which indicatedthe scale of change was 35 % fairly effective.