Biology and Life Sciences
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Mr.sajithrangafonseka |
2 | Dr.M.S.M.Mahusoon |
3 | Miss.Narmhikaa Krishnamoorthy |
4 | Miss.S.Inthujaa |
A survey was carried out to gather information on socio-economic status and infrastructure availability of goat farmers in Eravur and Vantharumoolai veterinary ranges in Batticaloa district. Aim of the study was to assess and document the socio-economic status of goat farmers, infrastructure and available facilities and resources of goat farmers. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was administrated to randomly selected goat farmers. 120 goat farmers were coded and entered in Microsoft Excel and transferred into SPSS for analysis. Male participation is highly observed in goat farming in the study area. Males commonly involve in goat farming both veterinary ranges. Mostly married people involved in goat farming which was 100% and 77.5% in Earvur and Vantharumoolai veterinary ranges. Majority of the farmers completed grade 1 to 5 in both ranges. In earvur and vantharumoolai veterinary ranges 20% and 17.5% of the goat farmers have more than 10 year experience in goat farming. Goat farmers who do livestock farming as a main occupation are 12.5% in Eravur veterinary range and 32.5% in Vantharumoolai veterinary range. In Eravur and Vantharumoolai veterinary range 95% and 87.5% people receive good transport facilities respectively. Farmers receive adequate facilities of electricity, water and marketing in both veterinary ranges. Storage facilities are good in Eravur and Vantharumoolai farmers which are 85% and 50% respectively. The study reveals that, considerable amount of goat farmers are available with good supply of transport, electricity, water, marketing and storage facilities in both veterinary range. Among two Ervaur veterinary range has good infrastructural facilities than Vantharumoolai veterinary range.