Engineering & Technology
Volume: 93 , Issue: 1 , January Published Date: 20 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 754 , Download: 646 , Pages: 122 - 133
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222769
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 754 , Download: 646 , Pages: 122 - 133
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222769
# | Author Name |
1 | Md Mohibullah |
2 | Chowdhury Shahriar Muzammel |
3 | Khalil Ahammad |
4 | MD. Sakhawat Hosen |
5 | MD. Rakibul Islam |
Looking at somebody's face is one of the easiest methods to figure out who they are. Face detection, which occurs incredibly rapidly in humans except when the object is positioned at a short distance away, and introduction, which recognizes a face as an individual by using a person's characteristics to identify who they are, are the two main phases of the human face recognition procedure. In our proposed research, we have used Haar Features with Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection and Eigenface approach with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for face recognition. The major objective of this proposed research method is to analyze faces to detect and also recognize the unknown faces from real-time webcam or recorded video. If our method successfully detects and recognizes unknown faces with competent accuracy, we will be able to prevent future crimes through precautionary measures.