Architecture & Civil Engineering

Architecture & Civil Engineering

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Organizational Culture and its Influence on Sustainable Construction among Johor Malaysian Construction Industries

Volume: 73  ,  Issue: 1 , March    Published Date: 01 April 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1060  ,  Download: 746 , Pages: 50 - 60    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100731320211810


# Author Name
1 N.H. Doni
2 A.Q. Adeleke
3 A.I. Ismail


This research studies investigate the influence of organizational culture on sustainable construction among Johor Malaysian construction industries. As there is an opinion that supported the need to integrate a culture that reinforces devotion towards sustainability in an organization to ensure a successful sustainability adoption in project? activities. Therefore, in response to this perception, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between clan culture and market culture on sustainable construction. To achieve this, quantitative research was conducted with a corresponding stratified random sampling used to choose the sampled construction companies. Mainly those that are registered under the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysian operating in Johor. A total of 107 valid and completed questionnaires were returned. The validity, as well as the reliability of the item in this research, were assessed using the PLS-Sem measurement model and it shows the results are reliable. The two hypotheses were tested and the result shows that the clan culture variable has a significant positive relationship on sustainable construction (?= 0.241, t = 4.431, p = 0.000) and market culture also show a significant positive relationship on sustainable construction (?= 0.820, t = 22.469, p = 0.000) as an organizational culture with dynamism, which is represented by clan culture and market culture are conclude to be influential in sustainability, and also play a critical role in a society in the context of sustainability and corporate citizenship. Implications for practice and future research were also discussed.


  • Malaysia
  • sustainable construction
  • Organizational culture