Biology and Life Sciences
Volume: 72 , Issue: 1 , March Published Date: 26 March 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 875 , Download: 949 , Pages: 75 - 82
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201786
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 875 , Download: 949 , Pages: 75 - 82
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201786
# | Author Name |
1 | MPM Irshath |
2 | A.B.M. Jesfar |
Vegetable takes major role in Sri Lankan economy. Among the different vegetable cultivation in Sri Lanka cauliflower is a high value vegetable. Anyhow it?s cultivation is restricted to cool climate conditions particularly in Nuwereliya district of Sri Lanka. Hence this feasibility study was conducted to identify the suitability of crop establishment in hot region of Sri Lanka in Dodangwella University farm at kundasala. Four varieties of cauliflower such as 45 days variety, Early phenominal, Frenchi and P-103 were systematically established under the Agriculture department?s recommendations and Agronomy practices. Vegetable and reproductive characters such as germination period, germination percentage, plant growth rate, leaf production, time for curd formation. Curd development, curd color, time for maturity and yield were evaluated respectively. Completed Randomized Complete Block Design was used to arrange the field establishment and Minitab was used to analyze the vegetative and reproductive characters of four varieties of cauliflowers. The results revealed that except Frenchi other varities were played well performance in germination and nursery evaluation stages. Particularly P-103 verity was played very significant in relation to vegetative characters. But, Frenchi variety show very low significant in all vegetative characters except leaf area. Further, it is found to be that curd formation was developed only in 45 days variety with poor yield. But keeping quality was satisfactory.