Biology and Life Sciences
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Rathnayaka R. M. N. N. |
2 | Mahendran S. |
3 | Iqbal Y. B. |
4 | Rifnas L. M. |
Nitrogen fertilizers play an important role in the cultivation of rice. Excessive and improper usage of Nitrogen fertilizer causes problems on human and environment. It is essential for a suitable alternative source of Nitrogen with reduced harm on environment. Nano nitrogen fertilizers are alternative to conventional fertilizers with slow and control release of nitrogen. An experiment was conducted at the Rice Research Station, Sammanthurai, Sri Lanka during the season of ‘Yala 2017’ April to July involving the use of NPK fertilizers and Nano-Nitrogen fertilizer to test the growth attributes and yield of rice cultivar ‘Bg 250’. The experiment was laid out in the Randomized Complete Block Design with five treatments and four replications and experiment was conducted in plastic pots (25cm height and 40cm diameter). The seeds were wrapped with net cotton cloth and three days after germination, it was transferred to seedling tray. At 12th day uniform and healthy seedlings were transplanted in the plastic pots. A number of 10 seedlings were raised in each plastic pot. There were altogether 20 plastic pots. Five treatments viz; T1 – Control (No fertilizer), T2 – 100% recommended fertilizer (Urea, TSP and MOP), T3 – 75% Urea + 25% Nano- Nitrogen (Usual TSP and MOP) fertilizer, T4 – 50% Urea + 50% of Nano- Nitrogen (Usual TSP and MOP) fertilizer and T5 – 100% Nano-Nitrogen (Usual TSP and MOP) fertilizer were applied. The results revealed that there were significant (p<0.05) differences between treatments in the tested parameters. The application of 100% Nano-Nitrogen fertilizer has given the highest growth performance with regard to plant height (57.9cm), number of tillers per plant (6), plant dry weight during the ripening stage (9.9g). With regarding to yield (2.8tonnesha-1) 100% Nano-Nitrogen fertilizer has given the highest performance. Treatment, where no any fertilizer applied, has given the lowest performance in the plant height, number of tillers per plant, plant dry weight and yield. Hence it could be indicated that Nano-Nitrogen could use as an alternative to urea in the cultivation of rice cultivar ‘Bg 250’ in the Sandy Regosol soil of Sammanthurai with reduced nitrogen pressure on the environment.