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The Fast Fake Currency Note Detector with Minimum Valid Features

Volume: 4  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 19 May 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1487  ,  Download: 843


# Author Name
1 Gaur Sanjay B. C.
2 Kavita Soni


This paper presents a fast and efficient approach for the fake currency note detection with minimum number of features. Typically, this approach evaluates the performance of the system for minimum number of features required to check the Indian Currency Note. This system first check the currency note by its content with minimum number of features then, validate it by some unique features from the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The use of minimum number of features, which are essential to check valid currency note, decreases the computing complexity of the system. The system has been tested for ten different denominations of valid and fake currency note both. Experimental results demonstrate the success rate of Fast Fake Currency Note Detector (FFCND) by including different types of features


  • Fake Currency Note; Indian Currency Features; FFCND; Image Segmentation; Feature extraction; Content Based Image Retrieval