Reviewer Profile

Kriztian Ibaos




1. Secondary Education: I have a foundation in teaching at the secondary school level, which means you are skilled in pedagogical methods, curriculum development, classroom management, and adolescent psychology.

2. Educational Management: My Master's and Doctoral degrees focus on educational management, indicating expertise in:
   Leadership and Administration: Understanding the principles and practices of managing educational institutions.
   Policy Development: Creating and implementing policies that enhance the educational environment.
   School Improvement: Strategies for improving school performance and student outcomes.
   Organizational Behavior: Managing relationships and behaviors within educational institutions.
   Research and Evaluation: Conducting research to inform educational practices and assess program effectiveness.

Overall, My specialty lies in the intersection of teaching and managing educational systems, making ME well-equipped for roles in school administration, educational consultancy, policy-making, and leadership in educational settings.


My educational background includes the following:

1. Bachelor of Secondary Education: This degree provided you with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for teaching at the secondary school level, including subject-specific pedagogy, classroom management, and adolescent development.

2. Master of Arts in Educational Management: This advanced degree focused on the principles and practices of managing educational institutions. You gained expertise in areas such as educational leadership, policy development, school administration, and organizational behavior.

3. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Management: This doctoral degree represents the highest level of academic achievement in educational management. It likely involved extensive research, advanced studies in educational theories and practices, and the development of new knowledge in the field. Your Ph.D. work would have included dissertation research, contributing to the academic and practical understanding of educational management.

My education has equipped me with a deep understanding of both teaching and the management aspects of education, positioning you as an expert in the field of educational administration and leadership.

Experience In

As a panelist, my research experience and academic expertise would play a crucial role in evaluating and providing feedback on the research of others. Here are some aspects of your involvement as a panelist:

1. Reviewing Theses and Dissertations: I would evaluate the research work of graduate students, assessing the quality and rigor of their methodology, the relevance and depth of their literature review, the accuracy of their data analysis, and the validity of their conclusions.

2. Providing Constructive Feedback: My role would involve offering detailed feedback to help students refine their research. This includes suggesting improvements in their study design, identifying gaps in their literature review, pointing out methodological weaknesses, and guiding them on how to strengthen their arguments and conclusions.

3. Assessing Academic Merit: As a panelist, I would determine whether the research meets the standards required for the degree being sought. This involves ensuring that the work is original, contributes new knowledge to the field, and adheres to ethical research practices.

4. Defending Sessions: During oral defense sessions, I would ask probing questions to evaluate the student's understanding of their research topic, the rationale behind their methodological choices, and their ability to interpret and discuss their findings.

5. Collaborating with Other Experts: Working with other panel members, I would collaborate to reach a consensus on the quality and acceptability of the research. This collective evaluation ensures a comprehensive and fair assessment of the student's work.

6. Mentorship: Beyond evaluation, I would also serve as a mentor to guide students in their academic and professional development, helping them to enhance their research skills and encouraging them to pursue further research opportunities.

In summary, my role as a panelist leverages my expertise in educational management and research to ensure the academic integrity and quality of graduate research, while also supporting the growth and development of emerging scholars in the field.