Editor Profile

Hemendra Prabhakar Shinde

K.V. N. Naik Ars Commerece & Science College Nasik
Associate Professor


To date, he has published 21 research articles in different peer-reviewed and UGC-CARE Journals of National and International repute. He also published two reference books, four chapters in edited books and two patents in his accord. He received the and 'Best faculty Award' by Novel Research Academy, TamilNadu, India. He is a member of well-recognized learned societies of related to reproductive and conservation plant biology. Presently he has been guiding two students for their doctoral research work.


Dr. H.P. Shinde completed his Ph.D. in Botany from Savitribai Phule Pune University Maharashtra, India. Currently, he is working as an Associate Professor in Department of Botany, K.V. N. Naik College, Nasik Maharashtra, India. Earlier, he completed his M.Sc. in Botany from S.P.P.U. Pune, in 2005. After qualifying SET examination; he joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany K.V. N. Naik College, Nasik from 16th June 2008 till today.

Experience In

I joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany K.V. N. Naik College, Nasik from 16th June 2008 and currently working as Associate Professor in PG Dept of Botany & Research Center having 17 years of teaching/research experience